What are your superpowers?

When we have ADHD we're SO good at putting ourselves down and feeling negative about ourselves. But by spending all our time making the things we’re not good at less bad, we’re missing out on using what we are amazing at and not only is it more fun to work on what we’re good at, but it’s also where we can have the most success.

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Why do ADHD brains love entrepreneurship?

Have you ever thought of turning your hobby into your career? Or found a new hyperfixation that would work amazingly as a business? Do you find yourself coming up with entrepreneurial ideas on a regular basis? Today we’re looking at the combination of entrepreneurship and ADHD.

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Is neurodivergence a disability?

For some of us, our neurodivergence is a super power that we can use to our advantage to achieve things that others never have done. For others it’s crippling and stops us from moving forward with every day life. How can neurodivergence be so disabling for one group of people and not at all for others? Let’s find out.

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What does “Neurotypical” actually mean?

Neurodivergence is a collective term used for people who have a condition like ADHD, Autism, Tourette’s Syndrome, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia and other similar conditions. Neurotypical is someone who’s not neurodivergent. They’re.. I guess typical? It’s in the name. So we know they’re not neurodivergent. But what does that actually mean?

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How does my ND affect my personality?

So studies have shown that ADHD affects our personalities and there are traits that those of us with ADHD share. That’s also true for Autism and I’m sure it extends to other forms of neurodivergence. So that leads me to the question, how much of me is.. Well, me.. And how much is my neurodivergence?

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Neurodivergent and feeling like an imposter?

You ever feel like you’re about to be found out? Like you have no idea what you’re doing and some day people are going to see through you and realise the truth? Up to 82% of people have suffered from these feelings of self-doubt at some point in their life and I personally think that if you’re neurodivergent, it’s probably even higher.

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