Is Giftedness a form of Neurodivergence?
You’re smart, but you don’t always feel like it. You feel things deeply and sometimes you really struggle with impostor syndrome. Above all, you clicked on this post because, quite frankly, the title is incredibly interesting and you’re ready to do some deep thinking. Did I get you?
What is this word “relax”?
The amount of times people have told me to “just relax”, when I’m stressed, when my cello technique isn’t correct, all sorts of situations throughout life. I’ve always nodded to them because it sounds like reasonable advice, like the right thing to do in this situation. But really I have a secret: I don’t actually know what relaxing is and have no idea how to do it!!
ADHD, Sport and Elite Athletes
Simone Biles, Noah Lyles, Michael Phelps, Adam Peatty, Louis Smith, Nicola Adams. What do all these people have in common? If you said Olympic athletes, you’re not wrong but that’s not the answer I’m looking for. What’s that? You guessed it. They all have ADHD.
Keep Switching Jobs? It’s a Good Thing.
Have you been told that it’s about time you settled down? That the job changes you’re making will make you unemployable? That you need to pick something and stick to it already or you’ll never get anywhere in life? I’m here today to tell you that all of that is wrong.
15 ADHD Traits that Are Actually Beneficial (according to science!)
With more and more celebrities, business leaders and entrepreneurs revealing ADHD diagnoses in recent years, I’d like to think the days of people thinking ADHD is some terrible life sentence that means you will never be successful at anything are long behind us, but in case not, today I’m going to talk about positive traits that make ADHD adults successful.
Burnout to ADHD diagnosis
Everything was going okay, not easy, but okay. And then suddenly it wasn’t. You went from coping to not coping and somewhere along the line received an ADHD diagnosis, or started exploring on your own. Sound familiar?
ADHD, Autism and PMDD
Periods aren’t fun for any of us, especially if you have ADHD or autism. But if you’re someone whose emotions go especially haywire, then there might actually be something even more to it.
Gifted, Neurodivergent and having a tough time
Were you someone who actually kind of liked school and maybe even found it fairly easy? Did you enjoy the challenge of achieving high grades and feel satisfaction from learning subjects that interest you? Did you feel pretty confident until either university or the working world suddenly hit? If so, this post might be for you.
I Went to Yo Samdy Sam’s Wild Brains Retreat
Yo Samdy Sam is a YouTuber known for videos exploring autism and neurodivergence in general and has helped many people on their journey discovering their autism. She also helps neurodivergent business owners, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs to build their businesses in a way that works with their brains. As part of this, Sam recently put on a three day retreat for ADHD and autistic entrepreneurs. So how was it? Let’s find out.
ADHD, Periods and.. UGH
Periods suck. The negative parts of ADHD suck. When you add those together what do you get? Even bigger suck.
The science behind ADHD and Periods - 2024 research
Do you ever feel like your ADHD symptoms swing wildly week to week? Do you find yourself SUPER emotionally dysregulated at certain points of your cycle, or just losing the ability to executive function completely? Today we’re going to look at the cutting edge research in the world of ADHD and periods.
How to Permanently Improve Executive Function - Part 2
On days when executive function is running low it’s so hard to get ourselves to do the things that we need, or the things that we want to do. What if there was a way to make the amount of executive function we have every day even higher?
How to Permanently Improve Executive Function
The internet is full of tips, tricks and strategies to help us executive function better on a bad day. But what if there was a way to increase our baseline for executive function?
Five Outdated Concepts About Neurodivergence in the Workplace that we Need to Talk About
There are so many outdated concepts that we need to talk about when it comes to neurodivergence in the workplace and it’s time that we started to dismantle those myths.
What are your superpowers?
When we have ADHD we're SO good at putting ourselves down and feeling negative about ourselves. But by spending all our time making the things we’re not good at less bad, we’re missing out on using what we are amazing at and not only is it more fun to work on what we’re good at, but it’s also where we can have the most success.
You have ADHD. Should you become an entrepreneur?
We know people with ADHD are often excited by entrepreneurship and take up the challenge at a higher rate than people without it, but our ADHD symptoms can really be a mixed bag. So what makes some of us more likely to succeed than others?
Does ADHD make you a good entrepreneur?
People who have ADHD tend to have this draw towards entrepreneurship and are much more interested in taking on start up risks than the non-ADHD population. But are we actually any good at being entrepreneurs? Let’s dive in.
Why do ADHD brains love entrepreneurship?
Have you ever thought of turning your hobby into your career? Or found a new hyperfixation that would work amazingly as a business? Do you find yourself coming up with entrepreneurial ideas on a regular basis? Today we’re looking at the combination of entrepreneurship and ADHD.
ADHD as an evolutionary advantage
What if there were evolutionary circumstances under which having ADHD presented a distinct advantage? A recent study has found one of them, and we’re going to take a look at it today.
Why did ADHD evolve?
So we know that ADHD has been around for a long time and that rates of diagnosis are increasing. Some statistics are even suggesting we make up as much as 10% of the population. This begs the question: Why are rates of ADHD so high?