Neurodivergent Leadership Coaching

One-on-one coaching to enable you to perform to your best in a way that works with your unique neurospicy brain.

Neurodivergent Careers

You’ve found a mentor, and they’re great but something isn’t just hitting home. You’ve followed the neurotypical career advice but it just doesn’t seem to work for your current situation. You know you’re different, and that your difference is an asset, but you’re not sure how to make it work.

Let’s see you grow

Whether you’re embarking on your first leadership role or a seasoned manager looking to reach the next level, what got you to where you are today won’t necessarily make up the blueprint for the next season of your career. Instead, let’s take a proactive approach to building the career of your future, using your strengths, experience and insights in new ways to unlock new growth and potential.

Is this you?

Feeling doubt

You’ve been putting yourself forward for opportunities and have been getting the roles you’re going from, but can’t shake a feeling that you don’t belong here.

In the closet

You’re a successful leader who has never known about or come to terms with their neurodivergence and are unsure about how to handle it in your career.

Not being heard

You’ve made it clear that you want to take your career to the next level but for whatever reason are stuck where you currently are.

Feeling lost

You know you’re successful, that you’ve always been a high achiever, but you feel disconnected from that person right now.

Hit the Wall

You recently went through a period of burnout, or like your life was turned upside down. You’ve taken the recovery and are trying to work out how to rebuild from here.

Leadership challenges

You’re struggling with getting the best out of your employees, maybe delegating is difficult, and challenging decisions are keeping you up at night.

We can find a way forward

Build Your Future

Imagine feeling confident. Imagine understanding yourself well enough to know exactly why you are where you are and how you can use your unique brain and the strengths you have to reach higher levels of success.

Imagine being confident in your decisions and your ability to advocate for yourself and your team.

Imagine having a strategy to execute the next stage in your career. One that feels authentic and works with your unique brain.

Let’s make that a reality

Bringing out your best

Individual coaching is entirely personalised to you. We will tackle your real life challenges and solve them in a way that works for you.

We will work initially on a three-month basis, long enough to make tangible progress towards your goals, but also short enough that you’re not locked into a year long contract if it turns out this wasn’t right for you.

We will meet every two weeks; long enough for life to happen in between, regular enough to keep momentum towards your goals.

Each session you will set homework that is relevant to you. No doing a task that feels meaningless just because it is part of the course. Homework is personalised and useful to exactly where you want to grow.

All facilitated by ICF-ACC Accredited Leadership Coach, and fellow neurospicy (ADHD officially, Autism suspected), Leigh Collier.

What Simon, Data Architect and ADHDer, had to say

  • I was diagnosed with ADHD at 46 years old. Whilst it provided me immense relief and validation it introduced an acceptance that some things will always be hard and that my differences and “quirks” will always influence how and what I do. What I didn’t know was how to accept it, work with it, realize the strengths of it (the majority of information and media focusses on the struggles) and learn to be generally “ok” with it. What I also didn’t understand was how I had gotten where I am in my line of work (I won’t use the word career as that seems to be something premeditated) and how to step up into what I was invited to.

    This is where Leigh came in…

  • After hearing Leigh on a podcast and having what and how she described the challenges and work that she doest with clients at TTN resonate with me I reached out. We had our first chat and set the tone of what we would work on. It was evident immediately that my concerns were common among “successful” ADHD folk and there were things that we could do to help me accept, harness and, yes, exploit my flavor of brain….

  • Rapport was immediate. In the course of the 6 sessions there were many laughs, lots of fun and lots of tangential entertaining stories. Leigh had empathy to my struggles (inflated, perceived or otherwise) and her demeanor of making space whilst quietly encouraging me to dig for the answers myself; remembering you’ve likely done “good stuff” but haven’t realized it applies to things in the now is empowering…

  • We are creative beasts. With encouragement and support it’s amazing how we look at problems and the fascinating ways solve them. Our methods and thought patterns may bewilder others - if you bring them on the journey they will be mind-blown!…

  • Our early sessions dug into the barriers I experienced, how to define them, scope them and ultimately understand and expect them. Sometimes they can’t be eliminated or easily climbed over - when you find what works. Knowing something will likely happen makes it much less scary when it does! It’s sadistic that not knowing or expect them usually makes them happen… Hmmmm …

  • The sessions then progressed to specifics about the leadership quandary I found myself in: being asked to “be a leader” and not knowing what a “leader” is let alone a neuro-spicy one! We dug deep and Leigh coached me to look at past experiences of good leadership (from others or yourself) and how we can bring these to bear in the now…

  • By the time we got to the latter stages of the 6 sessions we were enacting a plan. To be bold. To remember the successes and lessons from the past (success amnesia is a thing) and start to believe that I can influence or outright change rather a lot. I leaned to advocate for myself and for others, to be an ally to other neurodivergents including those also finding themselves in leadership positions. To trust my experience, my gut and trusting that I have valuable, powerful ideas. Who would have thought this would be so fulfilling?!…

  • Thank you Leigh for lending your expertise, guidance, encouragement and for casting my challenges in a realistic light. I see great things ahead and happily attribute my enjoyment of the journey to you.

How You’ll Benefit

Goal Setting

You will have time and space to consider the goals you would like to accomplish and we will regularly check in on the progress made along the way. And if at any point, those goals no longer fit. It’s okay, it’s your personalised coaching course, so you can change them.

Personalised Coaching Sessions

Each coaching session is personalised to what you want to get out of it. We can continue from the previous session, we can pick up with the homework from last time or if something has come up between sessions we can tackle this. We tackle whatever is most useful to you.

Homework that is meaningful

Between session homework is set by you to be most useful to your goals. Suggestions from me are always optional, you choose what works for you. I act as your accountability buddy, helping you achieve what you set out to do.

Neurodivergent-Friendly but not neurodivergent specific

All coaching is neurodivergent friendly but with the understanding that everyone’s neurodivergent presents differently. Whether you are autistic, dyslexic, have ADHD or Tourette’s Syndrome or are undiagnosed, the coaching is designed to work with your brain where you need it to go. None of “You are autistic so you should do x”, more “let’s find a strategy that works with your brain here”.

Your Cheerleader

You don’t celebrate yourself enough so I will do it for you. We will celebrate your wins and create your “smile pile”, taking time to be proud of what you’ve done along the way.

Ready to become your best?

3 months coaching (longer time periods available on discussion)

6 one-hour coaching sessions

Tools, strategies and resources relevant to your unique situation

Ad hoc between session phone and email support

Amazing Results and Feedback

Ready to get involved? Jump in!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Nope. In fact you don't even have to tell me what neurodivergence you think you might have. I will work with you wherever your brain is at.

  • Hey, me too! Because my coaching isn't structured around any particular form of neurodivergence and instead structured around personalising to your brain, we will work however your neurospicy brain needs.

  • While most of my clients have a session every 2 weeks for three months, not all do. I have worked with people in the film industry who need to book in around their projects as well as freelancers with variable schedules. While I would recommend a 3 month minimum period, I have worked with people for shorter engagements and longer engagements as well.

  • Absolutely. After we've spoken I can send an invoice to be provided for Access To Work funding.

  • Any that I'm not sleeping in. I typically coach UK and US, however I have coached many people in Australia as well and am happy to make availability for other time zones as needed.

  • My background is financial services so I have coached many from this background but I have also coached in the following industries: Consultancy, Pharmaceuticals, Technology, Education, Film and TV, Journalism, Start ups/self-employed and Hospitality. This list is continually being updated as I coach more individuals from a wide range of industries.

  • Contrary to most online courses, I'm not actually going to tell you what to do. Rather we're going to use reflective enquiry to work out what the right next step is for you. I want to empower you to find your way forward instead of telling you what to do.

    Sometimes people get coaching confused with therapy. Therapy looks at the past to help you heal in the present, whereas coaching starts in your present and looks to how we can help you grow.

    I've created a YouTube video that goes through exactly this here:

  • Happy to discuss a payment plan if required! Get in touch to discuss.

  • I am ICF-ACC credentialed. In order to achieve this qualification I have completed over 125 hours of coach training, 10 hours of coaching under the mentorship of another coach, sat a 3 hour exam based on coaching standards and practises and coached individuals for over 100 hours. As a practising coach, I have long past the 100 hours of coaching mark and this number continues to increase.

My Purpose, serving you

Look, my background is in finance. When I started my coaching business I could have taken the easy route. I could have decided to coach people in finance and carried on living in that world.

But I am one of those neurodivergents with a strong sense of justice and the fact that neurodivergent individuals still face so many barriers in their career is something that I feel strongly about working to change. I want to do something meaningful with my life, something I can be proud of, and by enabling and empowering other neurodivergents to be amazing in their career, I know I will have an impact on not just them, but the other neurodivergents that follow in their footsteps.

I believe that we can make a difference and one of the best ways we can do this is through celebration. Neurodivergent brains are amazing. And I want the world to know it.

Ready to take the jump?