How to make work more ADHD & Autism Friendly
Those of us with ADHD or autism get burnt out so regularly by our jobs that many of us become or consider becoming self-employed just so we can work in a way that actually works for us. But that doesn’t have to be the only option.
Why you keep burning out (ADHD and autism)
Why are those of us with ADHD and Autism just so burnt out all of the time?
Is neurodivergence a disability?
For some of us, our neurodivergence is a super power that we can use to our advantage to achieve things that others never have done. For others it’s crippling and stops us from moving forward with every day life. How can neurodivergence be so disabling for one group of people and not at all for others? Let’s find out.
What does “Neurotypical” actually mean?
Neurodivergence is a collective term used for people who have a condition like ADHD, Autism, Tourette’s Syndrome, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia and other similar conditions. Neurotypical is someone who’s not neurodivergent. They’re.. I guess typical? It’s in the name. So we know they’re not neurodivergent. But what does that actually mean?
How does my ND affect my personality?
So studies have shown that ADHD affects our personalities and there are traits that those of us with ADHD share. That’s also true for Autism and I’m sure it extends to other forms of neurodivergence. So that leads me to the question, how much of me is.. Well, me.. And how much is my neurodivergence?
Is it me, or my ADHD?
I used to go around saying that I was just a person with lots of hobbies. Turns out it’s ADHD. I used to say that I get bored easily so always need to keep busy. Turns out it’s ADHD. I used to say that I’m impatient and want results as soon as possible. Guess what? Also ADHD.
How YouTube Diagnosed me with ADHD
I mean it's just all those YouTube shorts squishing my attention span further and further meaning I can't possibly focus on anything anymore so I MUST have ADHD, right? In case my attempt at sarcasm wasn't obvious, no that's not how this works.
Bad Productivity Advice
Go eat that frog! Make sure your room is quiet with absolutely no distractions! Do a little bit of writing every single day and at the end of the year you’ll have a full book!
Motivation Is Overrated
“I’m feeling lazy today”, “I can’t motivate myself today”, “I just can’t get myself to do anything?” Sound familiar?
We need more neurodivergent leaders
They did amazing work for the people that they served, but they didn't believe in all the leaders that are out there, the neurodivergent people who are killing it in their career, who are already managers, who are already successful entrepreneurs.
Neurodivergent and feeling like an imposter?
You ever feel like you’re about to be found out? Like you have no idea what you’re doing and some day people are going to see through you and realise the truth? Up to 82% of people have suffered from these feelings of self-doubt at some point in their life and I personally think that if you’re neurodivergent, it’s probably even higher.
You’re a high achiever. Could you also have ADHD?
Are you a high achiever who is constantly rushing from project to project or task to task? Do you get bored easily and find it super hard to relax? Do you change jobs or roles every couple of years? If so, you might be a high achiever with ADHD.
ADHD Burnout (and what to do about it)
Are you someone who beats yourself up when you can’t get thing done? Do you get frustrated with yourself for not trying harder? This post might just be for you.
Why am I such a failure?
We all fail from time to time, it’s a normal part of life and without it we wouldn’t learn and grow. Even though we can know this on a high level, that doesn’t necessarily stop us from feeling like a failure. Today I want to talk about those feelings, how they interact with neurodivergence and some ways we can go about countering them.
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)
No one likes to be rejected, it’s not a good feeling. But for some of us, it hits so much harder than others. I’m here today to talk about rejection sensitivity, how it affects our careers and businesses and some ideas for how to help with it.
Neurodivergent entrepreneur challenges round 2
Last week we spoke about coaching, what it is, what it isn’t and why the industry is a bit of a minefield right now. Today I’m going to talk to you about what to look for in a coach, how to know whether a coach is really a coach and not an instructor or a mentor in disguise, and what questions to ask when talking to a potential coach.
Neurodivergent entrepreneur challenges
I wanted to talk about my experience as a neurodivergent business owner because while we're actually more likely to start our own businesses, I think it's probably more because traditional forms of employment often fail us than it being something we're naturally gifted at. That's not to say we don't have some strengths and I'm going to walk you through both the good and the bad.
How to find a coach that works for you
Last week we spoke about coaching, what it is, what it isn’t and why the industry is a bit of a minefield right now. Today I’m going to talk to you about what to look for in a coach, how to know whether a coach is really a coach and not an instructor or a mentor in disguise, and what questions to ask when talking to a potential coach.
Fed up with bad advice?
Life Coaching, Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, ADHD Coaching, Business Coaching. It’s all a booming industry right now and people and you might be hearing about it constantly but wondering what it actually is. I’m here to break that down for you and tell you what to look out for in a good coach and what to avoid.
Frustrated with your ADHD? Here are some ADHD strengths
ADHD can be hard and I don’t want you to think this is just some toxic positivity thing where I dismiss everything that you find difficult every day. But it can be true that despite its challenges, ADHD brings so many wonderful benefits and strengths and I really want to dedicate a post to talking about how wonderful we are.